Is Your Ceremony Puppy Friendly? 

Will your “puppy” (big or small) be invited to your wedding? Will your puppy be the cute Ring Bearer or simply a very special family guest?

As a passionate dog lover, Mark David easily understands why your dog would have a special place in your wedding. Yet, there are certain practical considerations.

Will the Ceremony location allow a dog? Will your dog be in “fancy dress”? How will your dog get to the wedding? Who will take care of your beloved during the ceremony (with a water source and, if needed, a doggie litter bag)? Will your dog remain relatively calm or are they likely to be restless, bark, etc? Will the weather be too hot for your dog?

Will your “puppy” be included in post-ceremony pics with, “Mum and Dad”? It’s very likely that your dog will need to leave the entire wedding shortly after the Ceremony and if so, be taken away by whom and to where? If not to your home (e.g. a relative’s home), when and how will they be returned to your home?

Dogs (and some other family pets) can be an integral part of your special day, but perhaps after allowing for certain practicalities.

For Let’s Marry to help you best to celebrate your love, simply click here to contact Mark David … Your wedding officiant, wedding celebrant brisbane, wedding celebrant gold coast, brisbane wedding celebrant, gold coast wedding celebrant, civil marriage celebrant, legals only celebrant and elopement celebrant.


Your Day, Your Way, Your Love Story or Not?


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