Stay Cool ... It's Your Ceremony

An outdoor Ceremony is often in the mid to late afternoon with a setting sun. During the warmer months, it's very important for the Wedding Couple, the Celebrant, plus any Bridesmaids and Groomsmen to have their backs to the setting sun. Ideally there should also be shade for the guests.

For example, if the actual temperature of the afternoon is 25 degrees Celsius, for the Wedding Couple it will probably feel more like 35 degrees. This is for two reasons. Firstly, they're both probably wearing formal wedding attire, for example, her wedding dress (with make-up) plus his suit and tie.

Secondly, there’s the natural wedding anxiety that in itself can make a Bride and Groom naturally feel more warm. Hence, it is so important for the Bride and Groom to remain in a cool environment during the Ceremony.

Very chilled drinks, prior to the Ceremony, offer another way for the wedding couples to remain cool. As an alternative to cold water, enjoy some very cold Gatorade consumed in the hour prior to the Ceremony! Gatorade is specifically made to replenish lost electrolytes and to restore the body to a cooler temperature. 

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Is Your Ceremony Puppy Friendly? 


How to Build Rapport with Your Celebrant