Poetic Vows Suggestions

By Mark David
as published by the
International Library of
Poetry, USA

“This is a poem of praise that explodes with admiration and
torrent of verse.
We cannot help be caught up in the poet’s ardent text.
Such acclamations reveal a purity of spirit that all but the most cynical will find uplifting.”
The International Library of Poetry, USA

Her Eyes

Eyes that so simply outflow
That extend that warming smile,
beautiful face
Deepening shade of within
Her enchantment with embrace.

So smoothly they mirror the rise
Of the ocean waters taking light
Each morning toward
evening wave
Flickering day, oceanic sight.

And so too is the shudder of
her eye
Ease and impact of a
hovering star
Felt to all privileged to such
So near and far.

Yet behind the warmth
glows a soul
An enchanted lady; soft to touch,
lucky to know
Smile to enhance; voice of choir
Peace with passion, yet still
Eyes; warmth of fire.

by Mark David
Wedding Celebrant